Sunday, February 14, 2016



Joachim Latacz, Troy and Homer: Towards a Solution of an Old Mystery, tr. Kevin Windle and Rosh Ireland (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2004), p. 43, with note on p. 292:
These are questions that for the time being we can only ask. The answers must await further excavations. In the meantime, however, we can put forward theories. It would be wrong to baulk at the word 'theory'. Theories often guide our searches, which would otherwise of necessity be blind. In the sixth century bc the Greek thinker Heraclitus pointed the way for the whole of European science when he formulated one of his cryptic aphorisms: 'He who does not expect will not find out the unexpected, for it is trackless and unexplored.'54

54. The Art and Thought of Heraclitus, an edition of the fragments with translation and commentary by Charles H. Kahn (Cambridge, 1979), Fragment VII, 31.

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